These are my Delicious Links for July 20th through August 18th:
- House 2.0: New Homes Too Small – "Doesn't it start at planning stage where there appears to be a basic assumption that smaller is more acceptable?
We build small homes, then the ones next to them cannot be seen to 'dominate' the street scene, so we build smaller still… let's face it, we're ashamed to build decent sized homes."
- 10 superb social media presentations | Blog | Econsultancy – Everything you wanted to know about social media (and about good presentations too)
- Suggestions For Improving Your Research Process – Below is a presentation I gave today to a group of Honors students at Victoria University's School of Architecture and Design. The presentation covers what I have learnt during my time doing my PhD and the mistakes I made, especially around the research process.
The primary message of the presentation is that research is by no means easy and when things get difficult you need to focus on MUPPET:
Motivate – Eureka moments only take you so far.
Undertake – Write something every (other) day.
Plan – Conciously identify your rainbow (objective), horse (process) and cart (interest).
Ponder – Understand how your actions relate to the research.
Exchange – Talk to everyone (relevant) about your research.
Test – Continually evaluate what you have done and where you are going. - Social Media Marketing Maps – Maps & diagrams always help us find our way and understand better the social media era for marketing and business.
A slideshare presentation of 80 maps describing social media. Fantastic resource. - Taking The Planning Initiative – Many of our clients are looking at planning options at the moment – why is that? They are taking the initiative in order to make the most of the current climate, and to stay ahead of changes which are on the way. Here are some examples.
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