These are my Delicious Links for July 8th through July 14th:
- Tellytubby land: BedZed revisited – Building – An excellent review of the 'Zero Energy Housing' scheme by ZedFactory which is 7 years old.
Some particularly interesting comments about the user experience.
Whatever happened to BedZed – where are all the followup schemes? - I Love Delicious Because It’s Selfish – MMMeeja Blog –
We are being selfish and it’s powerful.
It’s powerful because it’s also open. If can identify a thought-leader in a given and he has a delicious account, I can see which sites he thinks are important enough to save for later reference.
This is very similar to my twitter philosophy of “follow interesting people” (stolen, I think, from Robert Scoble). - Opus Building Services – the Essential Sourc eof practical information for Building Services Engineers – Welcome to OPUS Building Services, our free database of detailed building services product and supplier information – including contact details, images, case studies and product catalogues.
- 5 ways to win with virtual teams: Remote Aspect : from a ‘virtual’ world – Commerce these days is increasingly becoming resourced by distributed teams of smaller highly specialised providers. This relatively new model of doing business can, if properly utilised, provide high quality services at affordable prices to even the smallest company and also allow the growth of leaner – most robust and recession-resilient businesses.
Here is a checklist of areas that should be considered when starting project work with external providers as 'virtual' team members. By following these simple guidelines you will ensure the highest chances of hassle-free relationships and timely deliver of contracted work and therefore progress of your business objectives.
- 17 types of posts to strengthen your business blog @ Better Business Blogging – One of the key worries that businesses have as they start to develop their blog is what to write about and how best to communicate their messages across to their readers. Effectively, what sort of posts they should write. Well, posts can take many shapes and forms according to the author’s inclination and the readers’ preferences – I think the skill comes in matching the two as closely as possible.
To help the process, here’s a list of 17 possible types of posts that you could look at to develop the conversation on your business blog. They won’t all be relevant for every blog but they should help to spark some ideas on ones that would be most applicable for you.
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