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Where are all the architects who use twitter based? As you know I’m keen to demonstrate how architects use twitter and who uses it. In the past I’ve found a Yahoo Pipes mashup with twitter and a map which shows up to the last 500 of the tweeting architects I follow with the league – follow the link to see it, but it is a bit flaky.
Unfortunately I do follow over 1000 architects, practices and emerging professionals now and I don’t believe that the yahoo pipes format will support this, but I’m still looking for a map of all our architects so you can zoom in and find some in your area.
Today I found another web application, Here be Twitterers, produced by Slovenian based @marandlab which will theoretically plot all the architects I follow, though they are at present stymied by Google’s API limit. Nevertheless I’m sure you’ll agree that it is a lovely map, and very useful.
To see a selection of the architects on a map click here – the screenshot above shows only 245 of them.
I’ve also found a few more web applications which aren’t so useful, so I’m on the lookout for the best Twitter/Googlemap mashup, do let me know if you find one!
Tony Rowe says
Very interesting and informative infomation, critical now that our company Fonte Dei Marmi is working closely with architects,developers & interior designers. Perhaps 35% of our work of late is being sourced through our twitter contacts, friends & followers. In the current economic climate Twitter is proving to be a contradiction of what is perceived to be a downturn in the industry. There always appears to be a new project about to begin as we finish one, so we are able to jump aboard-Thanks to twitter! Knowing who’s who and where they are is of paramount importance.
su says
Hi Tony,
Glad you like it. What I love about using twitter is that architects can search for people who are supplying goods and services they need, check them out and even get quick and easy product recommendations via their colleagues on twitter across the construction and design industry.
The new map is fully zoomable and you can click on the avatars to link to people’s profiles on twitter to read what they are talking about, follow them and start a conversation. For example, here is a close up showing a ring of architects who all give their location as New York.
Browse the map by clicking this link.