Internet marketing is becoming increasingly popular amongst contractors according to a recent Construction News Survey, yet as Paul Wilkinson pointed out in his blog at the time, the prevailing attitude to the internet in the construction industry is poor.
Paul then posted today that he suspects the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) market will be slow to take up social media, as it has been for IT.
Yes, our industry is behind the times. What is it we are missing out on?
Here is an example.
The fastest growing web based platform is Twitter
- Twitter users grew in number by 782% In 2008 (yes, seven hundred and eighty two percent)
- Twitter has gone mainstream, being mentioned in the broadsheets and tabloids, and earning celebrity endorsement
- And this morning, Rory Cellan-Jones, the BBC’s Technology Correspondent, posted on his blog that two major news stories have broken on twitter in 24 hours.
Twitter is also expected to grow substantially in 2009 as a tool for marketing.
So why aren’t there many construction professionals on twitter?
I’ve been looking and I’ve got a list about the size of a page of A4, and half of those are US Realtors.
The history of twitter is that it was set up by the founders of a blog site, so many original tweeters are bloggers and may be confident with computers.
You would think that architects would be keen to get on twitter, most of them do drawings on computer these days, but then again they are notoriously insular. Lets start with architects then. They must be out there somewhere, aren’t they?
So how many architects are there on twitter? I’m on a mission to find out.
If you know an architect who tweets (or an architect’s practice) please send me a tweet or comment below. I’ll let you know how we get on.
And I’d be really grateful if you are on twitter, for your tweeting about this post.
Lets see if we can find them…
Hi, I’m an architect based in sheffield, interested in Web2.0 and tech being used in the constrcution industry.
I’m glad i’m not the only one on twitter @martinrix.
I hope to see more of your blog.
Hi Martin,
Delighted to hear from you – I’ve made your handle clickable, lets get you some more followers.
Looking forward to your tweets and comments,
Hi, I’m an Architecture student on the Isle of Man (postgrad year out), would also love to hear from other architects using twitter to share and learn info. get in touch
I Euan, glad to hear from you – did you know you’re known as ‘the Architect in the Isle of Man who twitters’ – don’t tell the ARB but that’s a pretty good accolade!
If you’re not already involved in the AEC network check it out – a good source of people across the industry who are interested in collaborating and sharing ideas.
tweeting my practice @lamidesign and tweeting as architect person @lavardera
Hi Greg, thanks for your handles, hope you get some more interesting followers.
Great to see you getting involved in the web space looking for architects! I too am looking for professionals in the real estate development and construction (RECD) industry that are on twitter!
You can find me here:
I also host a daily show on the REDC industry that can be found here:
Just started following your blog! Hope to read some cool things!
Vik Duggal
Hi Vik,
You’re very welcome. Drop me a DM on twitter and let me know more.
The list is growing… in about a week I’ll collate it and post it up.
If you can introduce me to any more architects you find, please pop me a tweet @subutcher or leave a comment here folks!
(And as an extra bonus if you know architecture students/part qualified I’ll put them in an extra list)
I’m an architecture student in Boston
It is taking me a bit to warm up to Twitter but am finding it more useful as I get more comfortable. I am really appreciating the global connections rather than just my little local (US-centric) world. We are a historic preservation design consulting company and manufacture products for historic homes on Twitter as HistoricShed (
Hi Lucas,
What’s your twitter handle, and what stage of your studies are you in?
Hi Jo-Anne,
Have made your link clickable, thanks for the information 🙂
I am an architect in South Carolina and have just begun tweeting (last week). I am excited about the possiblities. Let’s get and architectural online community going! @jpvandyke
Thanks for your comment Joel,
Looking forward to sharing thoughts with you here and on twitter!
Hi Su!
Here is an architect @JeanRicardbroek on twitter.
Hi Roland,
Thanks for that – do you know is @JeanRicardbroek a buildings architect rather than a systems/software architect? I’m’ looking for the building type.
I’ll go and have a look…
Funny – I asked the same question on a week ago ( You found me not long after that.
So far I’m finding Twitter a mixed-bag. I’d like to see more interesting architecture and design related sites and architects out there sharing their process and links. Haven’t given up on Twitter yet.
Hi Jim,
Thanks very much for passing on the link to, had’nt come across that. Also noticed your post there referred to BLDGBLOG’s post on twitter, architects and the shorty awards. Must check that out!
Most of the architects I’ve found have come from people tweeting me their findings or tweeting with the word ‘architect’ in their tweet.
There will be an update on my findings shortly… and yes, you’re on the list!
yo, great name for site)))
Hello, I can’t understand how to add your blog ( ) in my rss reader
Hi Addegefab,
On each page of the blog is a ‘SUBSCRIBE TO MY FEED’ button – copy the link on this button into your chosen RSS feeder and you’ll get post updates.
I am architecture student.
I’m the ‘everything but the architect’ for our small practice in Cheshire UK and joined twitter two weeks ago.
Am interested in developing the architecture side of tweeting.
Added bonus is a client has already asked me to set up a twitter for his business!
Hi _mac, you’re on the league, thanks for the shoutout.
Don’t forget to tell your friends about us!
I’ve already listed my @Craine account, but I’ve opened a separate account for just my architecture tweets, as putting everything in one account was getting a bit silly. :/
anyway, for my architecture tweets, add me at
don’t hesitate to add me @craine and @photos_im too!
It’s on the league now, thanks for the explanation 🙂
AIA Federal Relations Team is tweeting on architecture, politics and Washington @aialobbyist
here i am!
We tweet about architecture and buildings in Wales, and have done so since March 2009.
We’ve also just sent out a press release announcing our twitter presence – which, hopefully, will get picked up by bd.
been using twitter for a while since a potential client recommended it for internet marketing … not got any jobs yet though! nice to see my architect friend Greg la Vardera posting ;o)
I have just joined Twitter and have found it quite useful in certain industries in which I supply product to, specifically Landscaping. However my main source of leads are generated through Architects for the interior products.
There doesn’t seem to be an architecture forum within twitter. This would certainly be beneficial.
My twiiter address is
I am soon to be a 3rd year architecture student and i tweet all about architecture on my twitter account called @MyArchiTweets
Hi Jasmin,
Thanks for telling us about yourself. If you haven’t already you might want to join the Graduate Map of the ArchitectMap – see it here: and click ‘join map’.
Mini apps are also free for graduates so you can share your portfolio on the iphone app.