Over the last year I’ve trained dozens of individuals how to use Linkedin through my public workshops and in house sessions.
Whilst many thousands of construction professionals are on Linkedin (over 400,000 in the UK alone) most of them don’t know how it works, what to do with it, or appreciate the immense power of Linkedin as a tool for their existing real life networking.
Construction professionals operate using a referral based method of generating business, so keeping in touch with contacts is important to the success of their businesses. Linkedin is the ideal tool for leveraging these contacts efficiently; yet most users either don’t do anything at all with the platform.
Some even resort to sending out unsolicited marketing messages on Linkedin, a technique that can quickly damage your reputation and get you banned.
It is time that this tool was used properly and we started making good money out of it. For me that means spreading the word about what it can do, what not to do and why not, and helping people in our industry and beyond to turn Linkedin into a real tool for business success.
As a first step in that direction I’ve produced a brief 10 step guide to Linkedin for Companies.
You can download the guide below.
PS: This is the second edition of my guide to Linkedin for Companies. The first, which I published in July 2012 was downloaded over 1300 times. This revision includes updates and additional help setting up Linkedin Company pages, which have really taken off this year. Find out what you can do with Company Pages, the steps to company page maturity, and how to implement a company page as part of your Linkedin strategy.
Copyright Su Butcher/Just Practising.
If you have any comments on the guide, please do contribute them below or drop me a line. You are also most welcome to contribute your recommendations for the guide via my Company Page.
su says
An update – a few people are having problems with the download. If you find you can’t download the pdf (it is 1MB in size) then please drop me a line via email and I’ll send you a copy by return.
Martin Stapleton says
Hi Sue, please could you email me your Linked-In 10 step guide. Can’t seem to open the link.
Martin Stapleton
su says
Hi Martin,
Thanks for the message, yes I’ll pop you one over by email now.
Sally Kelly says
Hi Sue, please could you email me 10 step guide don’t seem to be able to download.
Thanks Sally
su says
Hi Sally,
Guide should be with you now, if it doesn’t arrive please let me know.
Best wishes
Evelyn Vittery says
Su I wiould very much like a copy but I don’t seem to be able to download it.. Could you email me please? Many thanks.
su says
Hi Evelyn,
Thanks for getting in touch, the guide is on its way via email.
Nicholas says
Could you send me a copy too!
su says
On its way…
su says
I’ve changed the download setup on this file, so those of you who had difficulty before should be ok now. If you still want a copy by email do let me know. Current downloads are over 1,100.