On Thursday 1st December I’ll be joining Martin Brown (@fairsnape) in providing live blogging for the next seminar in Green Vision Yorkshire and Humber’s autumn networking series on eco retrofit – aka #GVis2011.
GVis2011 is a unique series of events hosted by Leeds Metropolitan’s Centre for Knowledge Exchange and the Construction Sector Network, which bring together the building industry’s leading experts in sustainability. Integrating live social media activity alongside roundtable debates attendees are encouraged to share content online and project the discussions onto a global stage.
One of the most fascinating presentations is likely to be that of Clay Nesler, Vice President of Global Energy and Sustainability at Johnson Controls, who will talk about the project to retrofit the Empire State Building to make it one of the most energy efficient commercial buildings in the United States.
The half-day conference, which is fully booked for ‘real life’ attendees, will be live streamed over the internet as well as live blogged. You can register your interest in being a ‘virtual attendee’ on the Be2camp website and follow the live stream and live blog here.
Find out more about Green Vision on their website or join the Green Vision Linkedin Group.
Following the 1st December event there will be a Sustainability QuestionTime session followed by a #tweetup somewhere in Leeds (at time of publication the pub has not been chosen) from 8pm. If you can’t get to #Gvis2011 perhaps you can come to #Gvis2011tweetup?
Also make space in your diaries for the BIM global GVIs2011 event on 14th December – advance information here.
I hear from Martin that the QuestionTime event can be attended though the conference is booked up, but you need to confirm attendance in advance. Whats the best way to do this Martin?
Also we now have some suggestions for the venue at the tweetup you can see them on a map here – let us know your thoughts if you know any of these venues. Not too noisy would be good…
Possible venues… will this embed work?
View Leeds GVis2011 in a larger map
We’ve plumped for the Victoria Hotel, 28 Great George Street LS1 3DL
Aim to be there from 8-11.
Can you make it? Let us know you’re coming here: http://twtvite.com/GVis2011
(that’s the Red marker btw)
Interested in the live blog? You can watch it back here: