I’m working with Jacksons Fencing and Jacksons Security to help them work better with architects and specifiers, and spent a good day with them on Tuesday talking about the issues. Here’s a slide show of the factory tour I took with Helen from Zest and Marcia from Jacksons business development, who also runs their CPD programme.
Click on the images to see my notes, and don’t forget to scroll down below the slideshow to something else you might be interested in.
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
If you can’t view the images above, you can also click through to see the photographs on the Flickr website.
The Gate Safe Campaign
After the death of two schoolgirls in separate incidents in 2010, Jacksons began to work to change the way automated gate safety installations deal with safety issues. The Gate Safe Campaign was launched at a summit at the IoD in September 2011 and the campaign has received the backing of the HSE. Gate Safe is working with the whole supply chain to bring about an improvement in gate safety by raising awareness of client, specifier, manufacturer, constructor, contractor and installer. Last year there were several more near-fatal accidents with automated gates, and the campaign continues to push for improved standards in gate automation.
On 8th February the second Gate Safe Summit will be held at the RIBA, 66 Portland Place from 10am-1pm and will be excellent CPD for everyone involved in specifying, building, installing or owning automatic gates. If you’d like to attend please book below – find out more via this Eventbrite page or email Lauren Soutan to reserve your place.
Jacksons have invited me to Live Blog the event, so if you’re unable to attend you’ll still be able to learn about automated gate safety and how to avoid deaths on your projects. If you’d like a reminder just subscribe and I’ll blog about the event nearer the time.
su says
Thanks to Andy Marshall for the flickr slideshow tip!