Thanks for your responses to my enquiry about interest in a ‘beginners and improvers’ workshop on using Linkedin. The response has been really good with interest shown by over 135 people across the UK and several more overseas. All in less than a week!
The most popular location (surprise, surprise) was London so I’m planning the first workshop there.
There is certainly sufficient interest for other workshops in Essex, Kent, the Midlands, and Cambridgeshire and others are planned, more information on them in due course. If you’ve contacted me about more than 10 people I’ll be in touch separately to sort out whether an in house seminar would be better. I’m also going to do a webinar for people outside the UK or our more far flung enthusiasts.
What the Workshop is About
The emphasis of my workshop will be learning what you can do with Linkedin and how to do it in the correct, i.e. most productive way. We will start off with some principles and cover the whole process of setting up a profile properly and using it proactively.
The workshop will be a mixture of detailed instruction, group discussion and individual work, delivered by me and supported by a personal workbook for all participants. The workbook will include a set of ‘optimum settings’ for Linkedin beginners to use, and how to deal with those unsolicited emails, but it will also cover how to use Linkedin for business intelligence, getting introductions and supporting your clients and consultants.
Whom should attend and What do they Get?
Every attendee at the workshops will be invited to the Just Practising Linkedin Group where they can learn how groups work, ask further questions and support each other’s strategy for using Linkedin.
What is a construction professional? Well to me that means any professional person in the construction industry, including those who use their networks to build referrals (or know they should) and those who have as part of their job getting work for the companies they work for.
The workshop is priced at £150 per person for
- a half day interactive workshop (1-5) including
- lunch and refreshments,
- full supporting materials and
- the Linkedin Group invitation.
The event will be held in the magnificent Herman Miller showroom at 61 Aldwych and visitors will be able to look round the exhibits and try out the furniture.(pdf map download)
There is an Early Bird Discount until the end of February bringing the price down to £125 but I hope the places will be snapped up well before the end of the month, so don’t leave it too late.
If you’d like to read more about the workshop click this link.
You can also click below to go straight to booking.
If you have any questions please reply to this post or drop me a line on the contact form and I’ll email you right back.
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