Following the launch of our new home last week, we’re delighted at the number of people who have got in touch, shared or our news and subscribed to the blog. Thank you! If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe here and you’ll be the first to know when we publish something new.
We thought we’d take this opportunity to tell you a little more about what you can expect from us in the coming weeks.
What we’ll be talking about
On this blog we’ll be talking about commonly misunderstood elements of information management and digital frameworks that are either current or are emerging, and therefore may produce barriers for routes to market for construction products.
These include topics of discussion such as
- Digital Product Passports
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cybersecurity and overall business resilience
- Data as an asset
- Digitisation, Digitalisation and Digital transformation
We’ll also be talking about the repercussions of not engaging with these emerging technologies. If the UK does not engage appropriately, we could become a magnet for counterfeit and unsafe products which cannot enter the EU marketplace, for example. It could also prevent our smooth digital transition, which is essential to enable trade with our EU partners. The effects will be felt across the whole built environment.
If you have a topic that you feel the industry doesn’t understand, that would be appropriate for us to write about, please let us know.
New publications
As you are no doubt aware, the Construction Leadership Council will soon be publishing our research into the views of C Suites on manufacturers supplying construction products into the UK market.
We’re looking forward to talking more about this work soon, but we’re also looking to produce other tools, guides and documents which you will want to read and share.
We look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions for things we might do. Why not leave us a comment below, or drop us an email?
No Spin
We’re called the Plain Language Group because we seek to describe and explain things in plain, easy to understand language without jargon or hyperbole, spin or whitewash, with the aim of bringing the whole construction industry and wider built environment sector with us.
We don’t have a particular axe to grind, so you can always expect us to treat topics evenhandedly and attempt to understand all perspectives, whatever part of the sector you work in.
Some of the things we talk about are quite complex and need a certain degree of understanding or explanation for most. If you find our explanations too obvious, it may be because your understanding is greater than many in the sector, and that’s good. If we don’t explain something enough, please let us know, because we want to make sure things are understood.
Support us
As an independent volunteer research body, we don’t have a hidden agenda. We’re not trying to sell you anything. However, we are looking for opportunities to present our findings to industry bodies and audiences. If you’d like to invite us to speak at your event, run a workshop, do some research, or if you want to support our work in some other way, please get in touch.
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