Join us on Tuesday 14th July at 12pm for a live panel discussion on Twitter, where we will be asking a group of BIM4M2 members about their BIM journey, and how they decided whether BIM was right for them.
The Panel
• Tim Clark, Wienerberger
• Steve Thompson, Tata Steel
• Matt Crunden, Legrand
We will be asking the panel the following:
· How did you decide whether adopting BIM was the right decision?
· What costs need to be considered when adopting BIM?
· How have you calculated the return on your investment?
· How did you approach BIM with your senior management team?
· What advice would you give to other manufacturers considering BIM?
And other questions asked by you
Ask your own question – just tweet us with the hashtag #BIM4M2Chat
Live Twitter Stream here:
Talk to us on Twitter
Over 100 members of our @LinkedIn group for BIM for Manufacturers join us here for long form #BIM4M2chat!
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
Highlights from the chat will be added below:
If you're joining us in 5 mins, please introduce yourself using the hashtag #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
Hi, im Tom Bilbe in charge of BIM implementation @HargreavesLtd #bim4m2chat
— Thomas Bilbe (@tbilbe) July 14, 2015
#BIM4M2chat Team from Competitive Advantage here. #SpecStrategy
— CompetitiveAdvantage (@CompetitiveA) July 14, 2015
Hi I'm Grace, Content & Community Manager for @BarbourNews, & @BIM4M2 Promotions Group member – looking forward to #BIM4M2chat
— Grace Lewis (@Grace_Barbour) July 14, 2015
Good afternoon everyone welcome to #BIM4M2chat panellists please introduce yourselves
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
Matt Crunden, Training and BIM Manager for Legrand Electric Ltd UK and Ireland and member of @BIM4M2, fielding questions for #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
Hi #BIM4M2chat, I'm Steve Thompson, Global BIM Programme Manager for @TataSteelConstr and Chair of @BIM4M2
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
#BIM4M2chat Hi 32 years in construction sales, senior roles for manufacturers within the industry, TRA member within NFRC, anchor for BIM
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
Question 1:How did you decide whether adopting BIM was the right decision?
Lets start with our first question: Q1 How did you decide whether adopting BIM was the right decision? #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
Please feel free to add your comments to the questions – just use A1, A2 etc and #BIM4m2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
(A1) We already have a number of years experience in providing intelligent objects into the oil and gas industry… (cont.) #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
(A1) …of course, the government mandate was also a big factor. #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
A1 #BIM4M2chat looking at market implication in territories we sell into we recognised huge opportunity. Greatest risk 4 us was not to adopt
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
A1 By looking at our customer base and their use cases and the sectors they are in and then at our products #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
Q2 What costs need to beconsidered when adopting BIM?
On to Q2: What costs need to be considered when adopting BIM? #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
(A2). If your solution is data only, then the cost is attached to the person structuring the data… (cont.) #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
(A2) …if your solution includes geometric objects then the cost is in their creation… cont #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
(A2) ..also consider marketing and hosting costs… #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
A2 you need to look at model creation then hosting also don't forget costs internally of administering and preparing the brief #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
A2 cont. also, going forward you need to look at the maintenance of data #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
A2 #BIM4M2chat time & resource to develop clear strategy, cost of creating content internally or externally, training and cont..
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
A2 cont.. #BIM4M2chat potential software. Crucial to develop strategy before object creation, otherwise it can cost you a lot more cont..
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
A2 cont.. #BIM4M2chat in the long run. @bim4m2 are launching tools on 28th July that will help develop a plan based on your business needs
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
@BIM4M2 A2 training! #bim4m2chat
— Thomas Bilbe (@tbilbe) July 14, 2015
Q3 How have you calculated the return on your investment?
Q3 How have you calculated the return on your investment? #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
A3 difficult to say this early however you have to be in it to win it do your research right then it will pay off #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
A3 cont specifications with or without BIM are always a long burn no surprises that it will take a while to quantify #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
A3 #BIM4M2chat not in great detail. Looked at impact across all products & territories & market adoption, plus clients requiring BIM cont…
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
A3 cont.. #BIM4M2chat & the potential for lost sales. Also potential for growth through new channels that can open up through a new approach
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
(A3) This is difficult! Certainly these three areas need to be considered: compliance, existing strategies & new strategies. #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
But consider this: what is at risk if you don’t do BIM?⁰#BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
Manufacturers – this is an important point (often missed) when considering the cost of BIM #BIM4M2chat
— Craig Sewell (@cubicle_Craig) July 14, 2015
#BIM4M2chat Q3 – No clear answers here. Is it just that it's easier for 'larger' manufacturers to take a chance on BIM (financially)?
— Craig Sewell (@cubicle_Craig) July 14, 2015
#BIM4M2chat @cubicle_Craig I don't think it's easier necessarily, other than it takes time to develop a strategy and cont…
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
#BIM4M2chat @cubicle_Craig resource MAY be more available. There are also more people to convince and more products to cover
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
@SGThompsonBIM Good point – I think 'smaller' manufacturers should explore internal benefits more to justify investment though #BIM4M2chat
— Craig Sewell (@cubicle_Craig) July 14, 2015
#BIM4M2chat @cubicle_Craig I agree, and the same goes for large manufacturers, that has helped convince internally for us
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
@cubicle_Craig Do you think outsourcing the management of the product library is a good idea? #bim4m2chat
— Thomas Bilbe (@tbilbe) July 14, 2015
@tbilbe Initially maybe – depends on your staff skill set. Long term – No. Manufacturers need to bring BIM in-house #BIM4M2chat
— Craig Sewell (@cubicle_Craig) July 14, 2015
@cubicle_Craig @tbilbe agreed, particularly but once you have determined what #BIM looks like for your org. might not b models #BIM4M2chat
— Duncan Reed (@djhreed67) July 14, 2015
Q4 How did you approach this with your senior management team?
Q4 How did you approach this with your senior management team? #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
A4 back to the my answer for Q1 by showing the credible business case for specification of products #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
(A4) Using experience already gained in other business areas we were able to… cont #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
(A4)… achieve recognition & buy-in from our senior management #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
(A4)… prior to these experiences, the market dictated our journey into BIM #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
A4 #BIM4M2chat kept it simple. Our senior management are not from construction, so evidence-based approach along with demonstration cont…
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
A4. SMT brought myself on board to focus solely on BIM Implementation. I have looked at different benefits of BIM, #bim4m2chat
— Thomas Bilbe (@tbilbe) July 14, 2015
a4 (cont) Looked at selfish gains from the BIM workflow to gather momentum here #bim4m2chat such as Scan 2 BIM and pushing BIM content
— Thomas Bilbe (@tbilbe) July 14, 2015
Q5 What advice would you give to other manufacturers considering BIM?
(A5) Get involved with trade bodies, @BIM4M2 & attend seminars. Listen & ask questions. #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
A5 My advice here is engage with your customers, early on and frequently….they are using your content remember #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
A5 cont so keep them in the loop and change and adapt to keep your content current and usable, listen to feedback #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
a. A5 #BIM4M2chat come along on 28th July and use the tools @bim4m2 are launching to help you assess the impact on your business and cont…
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
A5 cont.. #BIM4M2chat provide the tools to develop and implement a strategy first. Speak with customers then get on and do it!
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
That's the last preprepared question but we've had loads submitted to #BIM4M2chat will try and get through as many as possible b4 1pm
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
Q6 Do you think everyone at work needs to know about BIM?
Q6 Do you think everyone at work needs to know about BIM? ⁰⁰from @Cubicle_Craig #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
(A6) I think it depends on your organisation in terms of size. For us, not today. In the future… cont #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
(A6) …my answer will probably be different! #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
A6 yes and no (sorry) everyone should have a basic knowledge in commercial technical and marketing less so elsewhere #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
A6 cont but sales and marketing must 'own' BIM to leverage the investment from the company #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
A6 #BIM4M2chat everyone who is market facing should know the basics, what you are offering and benefits, cont…
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
A6 #BIM4M2chat that doesn't mean everyone needs the software or needs to know the detail! Just enough to realise your BIM strategy
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
a5 YES! BIM project understanding from Sales, through Engineering to production we all use and transfer data #collaborate #bim4m2chat
— Thomas Bilbe (@tbilbe) July 14, 2015
Q7 I’d like to know about the format for BIM content. Should it be offered as IFC or proprietary like Revit?
Q7 I'd like to know about the format for BIM content. Should it be offered as IFC or proprietary like Revit? – @CompA_Ashworth #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
A7 again talk to customers create content that matches their needs no point creating Revit with a Bentley cust base #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
A7 #BIM4M2chat Structured data in an open format is the priority, which is software-agnostic, then for geometry depends on your product type
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
@SGThompsonBIM spot on, the data is the important thing here #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
agree @BimClark #BIM4M2chat
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
(A7) IFC is a file format which enables fixed BIM models to be transferred between BIM tools.… cont #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
(A7)… Right now, the most usable format for BIM objects is the native format for each BIM authoring tool… #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
a7 (cont) work in your native format and federate in the cloud. Use IFC to check for clashes? #bim4m2chat
— Thomas Bilbe (@tbilbe) July 14, 2015
A7 #BIM4M2chat @BIM4M2 @SuButcher geometry can be using any software, but there are key IFC elements that must be intrinsic to the geometry
— Raj Chawla (@666raj) July 14, 2015
Manufacturers interested in BIM _ Do you have a question for our panel? Ask it with #BIM4M2chat #ukbimcrew
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
Q8 Should I outsource BIM object creation or train up staff in house? #BIM4M2chat
Q8 Should I outsource BIM object creation or train up staff in house? ⁰⁰from @subutcher #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
A8 we outsourced initially as we had no internal competencies now are looking at internal maintenance and creation #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
A8 cont but remember the costs for both you have pay on going fees for admin but there's a cost for your headcount #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
A8 #BIM4M2chat one of the biggest challenges and benefits is structuring your data internally, so often better in the long term cont…
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
A8 cont… if you do that first, but then external assistance may be a good idea, assess your internal competencies first. #BIM4M2chat cont
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
A8 #BIM4M2chat we are creating ours internally because it suits our strategy and sets us up for the future
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
(A8) Pros/cons! Look at skills within your business & overall strategy vs employing a specialist consultant or software provider #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
(A9) I guess today’s general assumption of a BIM model is 3D. I recently read a brilliant quote… cont #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
a8 once you have cerated content then what do you do with it? A question we are facing right now!!! #bim4m2chat
— Thomas Bilbe (@tbilbe) July 14, 2015
Q9 How soon will it be till it becomes a standard requirement in tenders for BIM models to be available for all FF&E elements?
Q9 How soon till it becomes a standard reqt in tenders for BIM models to be available for all FF&E elements? @IainHazellDemco #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
A9 #BIM4M2chat depends on your customers & specifiers If repeat customers potentially sooner as they are more likely to realise the benefits
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
(A9) I guess today’s general assumption of a BIM model is 3D. I recently read a brilliant quote… cont #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
(A9) …'Without information BIM is just BM: Basically Meaningless'. Let’s get the information right first. #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
A9 having just seen a presentation from the MOJ they are certainly heading that way #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
@BimClark The same can be said for house builders… #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
A9 #BIM4M2chat @BIM4M2 @SuButcher reference to M in model remains unclear. You can have a financial model, planning model etc.
— Raj Chawla (@666raj) July 14, 2015
A9 #BIM4M2chat @BIM4M2 @SuButcher As for FFE, the same prognosis applies. Dont generate the information twice. Use the manufacture info.
— Raj Chawla (@666raj) July 14, 2015
Another 10 minutes to go on #BIM4M2chat make sure you've got your 2d in!
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
Q10 There is increasing take up of #BIMin UK, but are you seeing any interest for projects in mainland Europe?
Q10 There is increasing take up of #BIM in UK, but are you seeing any interest for projects in mainland Europe? @philbrown2102 #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
(A10) Yes, definitely! France are mandating BIM from 2017 in a similar way to the UK. Some Scandinavian countries are quite… cont #BIM4M2
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
(A10) …advanced with their processes. The Netherlands are another strong example of BIM in operation in Europe. #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
(A10) … as an international company we see this happening #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
Q11 What resources are available to help SMEs become BIM-ready?
Q11 What resources are available to help SMEs become BIM-ready? #keepbimsimple from @philbrown2102 #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
(A11) The #BIM4Communities are a collaboration of special interest groups… cont #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
(A11) …all with a shared goal of promoting BIM. @BIM4SME would be a great place to start #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
A11 also trade associations are a great source of advice @British_Precast doing a lot for their members as is @talklandscape #BIM4M2chat
— Duncan Reed (@djhreed67) July 14, 2015
A11 #BIM4M2chat also worth looking at @cubicle_Craig blog!
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
Craig is a great advocate – required #BIM reading ! #BIM4M2chat
— Duncan Reed (@djhreed67) July 14, 2015
A10 #BIM4M2chat @BIM4M2 @SuButcher Speak with @BIM4SME as well as. A lot of help available. Don't ask don't get
— Raj Chawla (@666raj) July 14, 2015
That's the last question we have time for today but many thanks to you and our panel @SGThompsonBIM @LegrandUK and @BIMClark #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
Don't forget you can see the highlights of today's #BIM4M2chat on our website here:
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
Thank you very much for all of your questions, it's been a pleasure being a part of the #BIM4M2chat
— Legrand (@LegrandUK) July 14, 2015
Thanks to all who got involved – some really great questions and answers – We've certainly learned alot! #BIM4M2chat
— ACO Water Management (@ACOWater) July 14, 2015
Also please join our Linkedin Group for @BIM4M2 Manufacturers and continue the conversation there #BIM4m2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
If you missed it, there was a great Q&A this lunch time on #BIM4M2chat – check it out in your search bar to follow the discussions
— Construction (@TataSteelConstr) July 14, 2015
Find out more at our Seminar for Manufacturers – Help with the Journey in London on 28 July #BIM4M2chat
— BIM 4 Manufacturers (@BIM4M2) July 14, 2015
Thanks to all who got involved – some really great questions and answers – We've certainly learned alot! #BIM4M2chat
— ACO Water Management (@ACOWater) July 14, 2015
#BIM4M2chat @BIM4M2 thanks for all the questions, please keep them coming through the LinkedIn group & hopefully see you on 28th!
— Steve Thompson (@SGThompsonBIM) July 14, 2015
Its been good to talk to you all about the concerns and exciting challenges of BIM, remember you are not alone #BIM4M2chat
— Tim Clark (@BimClark) July 14, 2015
@bim4m2 #BIM4M2chat Don't forget the @AECHackathon this weekend we'll be hacking #BIM #3dprinting #data #iot #3d for prizes! #aechackldn
— Simon Innovate (@SimonBIM) July 14, 2015
If you missed it, there was a great Q&A this lunch time on #BIM4M2chat – check it out in your search bar to follow the discussions
— Construction (@TataSteelConstr) July 14, 2015
Seminar: BIM for Manufacturers – Help with the Journey – London 28th July #BIM4M2chat
— CompetitiveAdvantage (@CompetitiveA) July 14, 2015
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