Collecting together responses to my blog post and some of the social media comment before and after
Why is it necessary to have banter regarding women in the room At there kinds of events? #hammers
— Women in BIM (@WomeninBIM) November 19, 2015
So impressed by the comedian at #Hammers2015 @rhyslewis_oasys
— Pam Bhandal (@pambhandal) November 19, 2015
#Hammers2015 @CCMagAndAwards I suggest you never book that comedian again. I stood up and left. #sexism & #diversity is not a joke.
— Casey D Rutland (@CaseyRutland) November 19, 2015
Unacceptable comedy humour at the #hammers tonight and in support of @WomeninBIM I took a stand and walked out. #diversity
— Rebecca De Cicco (@becdecicco) November 19, 2015
Sad to hear sexism was alive & well at the #hammers tonight. We need more men to join the cause, not make it worse for women in construction
— Joanna ❤️ (@peachout23) November 19, 2015
We need more men to stand up and say "hang on, this isn't really acceptable" and maybe things can start to change #hammers
— Joanna ❤️ (@peachout23) November 19, 2015
We need more men to stand up and say "hang on, this isn't really acceptable" and maybe things can start to change #hammers
— Joanna ❤️ (@peachout23) November 19, 2015
@monajarshall just heard about this from @becdecicco very sad and totally unacceptable #diversity
— Graham H Stewart (@StewartGH1970) November 19, 2015
@becdecicco @StewartGH1970 I've worked in construction since I was 17. Almost 20 years. I thought we were further along!
— Joanna ❤️ (@peachout23) November 19, 2015
@monajarshall marketing, PR and journalism among the few areas not overwhelmingly male in construction. Sexism isn't the AEC norm everywhere
— Paul Wilkinson (@EEPaul) November 19, 2015
@EEPaul If that happened now, I would totally bury him. I learnt pretty quickly how to stand up for myself in a mans world.
— Joanna ❤️ (@peachout23) November 19, 2015
Fully agree but until we drop 'mans' or 'womens' talk, etc. we will simply enable the division. It's THE world
— Jay Zallan (@JayZallan) November 20, 2015
#hammers2015 is not a working mens club. Think women are owed an apology for sexist 'humour'. What next? Roy 'Chubbie' Brown?
— David Shepherd (@sheppied1961) November 20, 2015
Sad to hear sexism in construction rears its ugly head at #Hammers2015 – there is no place for this in our industry @WomeninBIM @BIFM_WIFM
— BIM4SME (@BIM4SME) November 20, 2015
@JayZallan Agree – though 20yrs ago it really was more of a 'mans' world. Things HAVE changed for the better. Though clearly not enough.
— Joanna ❤️ (@peachout23) November 20, 2015
@monajarshall Perhaps the conversation is 20yrs too old as well
Tho undesired, I fear woman only clubs give old boys network new legitimacy
— Jay Zallan (@JayZallan) November 20, 2015
Lack of solidarity from #meninBIM after the sexist comedy at #hammers2015 very disappointing. Stand up and be counted #ukbimcrew @womeninbim
— Robert Klaschka (@robertklaschka) November 20, 2015
@JayZallan @monajarshall @EEPaul agree totally but not when there is comic humour about it. It's offensive and point blank wrong.
— Women in BIM (@WomeninBIM) November 20, 2015
I've calmed down a little after @CCMagAndAwards… Not the organisers fault but the 'comedian' clearly has a lot to learn about modern life.
— Casey D Rutland (@CaseyRutland) November 20, 2015
@CaseyRutland There was a comedian there last night? I must have missed that.
— Createmaster Information Management (Now Zutec) (@CreatemasterIM) November 20, 2015
Separating groups & favor w/gender bias is a point we're against @WomeninBIM, right? Ironic, no? 😉
@monajarshall @EEPaul— Jay Zallan (@JayZallan) November 20, 2015
@JayZallan @monajarshall @EEPaul absolutely agree which is why it wasn't in good taste.
— Women in BIM (@WomeninBIM) November 20, 2015
@WomeninBIM @JayZallan while being at work means being a very small minority, important to have place where you can be with your own tribe
— Ksenia Zhitomirskaya (@KZhitomi) November 20, 2015
@KZhitomi @WomeninBIM Women are 50% of humanity… we ALL are a minority somewhere! Tear down borders, nurture commonalities
— Jay Zallan (@JayZallan) November 20, 2015
@JayZallan you have these convos on Twitter often – try to listen. If all women say they need a safe place to be with other women it's true
— Ksenia Zhitomirskaya (@KZhitomi) November 20, 2015
@CaseyRutland @becdecicco Believe me the team here feels absolutely awful about this – sincere apologies again
— CCMagAndAwards (@CCMagAndAwards) November 20, 2015
@CCMagAndAwards @CaseyRutland it's a bigger issue in industry unfortunately but thanks for the apology. R
— Rebecca De Cicco (@becdecicco) November 20, 2015
New Blog Post: Sexism in Construction Awards – Not Just a Joke
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher I was at the #ProDriver awards last night – @AirportLynx won two – they need an award for women in Chauffeuring next year!
— Liz Weston (@TheLizWeston) November 20, 2015
@TheLizWeston @AirportLynx no I don't agree – they need women to win the 'normal' awards #equality
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
Sexism in Construction Awards – Not just a Joke
— Pam Bhandal (@pambhandal) November 20, 2015
Well done all for standing up! Sexism in Construction Awards – Not just a Joke @WomeninBIM
— Cristina Savian MSc, MBA, MIET (@cristina_savian) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher I can see that, but they don't seem to have a voice or presence and I feel it should be celebrated that women are making inroads.
— Liz Weston (@TheLizWeston) November 20, 2015
No women consulted by @ArchitectsJrnal round table – promotes image of men only influencers
— Lucy Mori (@4architects) November 20, 2015
@TheLizWeston difficult isn't it. Last year there wasn't a female in the shortlist for Construction Manager of the Year (none nominated!)
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@TheLizWeston this year two finalists. Its a very lonely road we travel but we can get together! @becdecicco
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
Sexism in Construction Awards – Not just a Joke great article @SuButcher #equality @WomeninBIM
— Asite (@ASITE) November 20, 2015
.@ASITE @SuButcher @WomeninBIM a great article, it's sad when this great industry of ours lets itself down. Thanks for raising the issue.
— Katy Harris (@KatyHarris) November 20, 2015
This "Sexism in Construction Awards – Not Just a Joke"
— Lee Mullin (@leeroyb) November 20, 2015
A must read blog & we ALL have to sort this out #diversity
— Duncan Reed (@djhreed67) November 20, 2015
.@SuButcher I'm not surprised. Misogyny is alive and kicking in the industry and we just have to kick it back. #diversity #notjustforboys
— Leonie Thomas (@_leoniethomas) November 20, 2015
.@SuButcher we will only have true equality when incompetent women are also in top positions. I've worked for plenty of clueless men.
— Leonie Thomas (@_leoniethomas) November 20, 2015
@LeonieThomas18 @SuButcher Doesn't sound like equality. Sounds more like lack of quality.
— Malcolm Levene (@MalcolmLevene) November 20, 2015
.@MalcolmLevene @SuButcher Well, there are plenty of men who lack quality (imo) in top positions…
— Leonie Thomas (@_leoniethomas) November 20, 2015
.@MalcolmLevene @SuButcher …and there are plenty of talented women trapped in more junior roles.
— Leonie Thomas (@_leoniethomas) November 20, 2015
.@MalcolmLevene @SuButcher …therefore, once the incompetent women also get senior gigs, that will be equality.
— Leonie Thomas (@_leoniethomas) November 20, 2015
@LeonieThomas18 Agree on both counts. BTW, I've worked with many male & female execs who are far from deserving of the salary or position.
— Malcolm Levene (@MalcolmLevene) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher has written one of this year's most important articles on sexism in Construction
— David Shepherd (@sheppied1961) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher Great article 🙂 If you wouldn't make the joke about a race, don't make it about women. Same principles apply to sexism as racism
— Jenny Hearn (@lagringaeterna) November 20, 2015
Well done all those who took a stand. Bigotry is unacceptable in any circumstances #BoycottTheHammers
— Nigel Davies (@NigelPDavies) November 20, 2015
Sexism in Construction Awards – Not just a Joke
— Babs Saul (@babssaul) November 20, 2015
Sexism in Construction Awards – Not Just a Joke New Blog Post by @SuButcher
— Martin Brown (@fairsnape) November 20, 2015
@lagringaeterna very good point 🙂 Have you seen that video about consent being like if you want a cup of tea?
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
. @NigelPDavies no let's not #boycottthehammers lets get more women there!
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher No to sexist comedians at industry events. I hope at least some men booed him.
— Gordon Rae (@socialtechno) November 20, 2015
Hmm… The Hammers… looking at this in more detail, the vast majority of winners are sponsors. Reasonable statistics? #boycottTheHammers
— Nigel Davies (@NigelPDavies) November 20, 2015
@NigelPDavies I wonder how much sponsorship is. Would be nice to win next year!
— Daniel Heselwood (@Dheselwood) November 20, 2015
Sexism in Construction Awards – Not just a Joke #UKBIMCrew #IrishBIMCrew @WomeninBIM
— Louise Kelly (@weezybop) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher Very interesting. As a female architect, I hve found myself in similar situations & always pleased when male colleagues protest
— Sunder Architects (@Sunder_Arch) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher @NigelPDavies I'm w/ Nigel here. (but I question awards in general)
— Kieren Porter (@snowyweston) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher Yeah I did, fantastic one that! I've been showing it to everyone. This is another great tool:
— Jenny Hearn (@lagringaeterna) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher The more men that stand up to sexism, the less women professionals can be accused of being "po-faced" or "unhumourous"
— Sunder Architects (@Sunder_Arch) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher @CaseyRutland @bondbryanBIM @becdecicco @socialtechno not that I recall groans & shaking of heads – audience weren't engaged
— Pam Bhandal (@pambhandal) November 20, 2015
*Hat tip* to those who walked out and to women that try a trade in #construction
— David Cant ~👷🏻♂️ (@davidgcant) November 20, 2015
Powerful blog. I applaud those who made a stand @becdecicco @CaseyRutland and those that spoke out!
— Caroline Brock (@carolinebrock) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher Ditto on the follow. Fantastic blog piece – as someone who worked in the industry for a long time I was just appalled!
— Caroline Brock (@carolinebrock) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher some great resources from @McKinsey on this topic
— Andy Ainsworth (@Ecus_andya) November 20, 2015
Well this is pretty depressing to read, shameful and pathetic attitude to the industry from the award organisers
— Tim Miller (@timmiIIer) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher need to make sure that digital (r)evolution doesn't actually make it worse. perennial issue in tech:
— Richard (@a6ruled) November 20, 2015
Very disappointed to read this–you can do better UK! #WomeninBIM
— Phil Bernstein (@PBernstein_Arch) November 20, 2015
good post Su. Pretty depressing to see this anywhere in the industry, let alone at an awards bash
— Chris Hallam (@ChrisHallamLaw) November 20, 2015
#Sexism in #Construction Awards – Not just a Joke via @subutcher
— Doug Shaw . Artist. Illustrator. Consultant. (@DougShawArt) November 20, 2015
Thank you for drawing my attention to Su's post – together we can change our industry / society.
— Lucy Mori (@4architects) November 20, 2015
@4architects absolutely! @ArchitectsJrnal @SuButcher @ICE_engineers are doing some great stuff with female #singingengineers
— David Cant ~👷🏻♂️ (@davidgcant) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher @NigelPDavies You might be interested in an exchange I had 8 years ago – (see comments)
— Paul Wilkinson (@EEPaul) November 20, 2015
Loads of comments on social about my post – have added them to the comments #equality
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
Proportion of #ukconstruction who are women – Infographic by @ConstructingEq #equality
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
Great article! Just a shame that we have to deal with such issues in 21st Century and in today's industry!
— BIMnet (@BIMnetwork) November 20, 2015
Saw similar behaviour last year at an event and thought it one off. Sadly it isn't. Why does this still happen?
— James Daniel FCIAT FCIHT (@jpricedaniel) November 20, 2015
@BradleyFehr thank you for sharing, appreciated
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@jpricedaniel @SuButcher it can't happen anymore which is why we've voiced the issue!
— Rebecca De Cicco (@becdecicco) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher I was asked to be one of the 'totty' in a blind date rip-off at a construction event on my year out in arch. Not enough change
— Vanessa Bizzell (@vanessabizzell) November 20, 2015
. @vanessabizzell sounds familiar. At my first job it was de-rigueur for the women in the practice to get off with the directors
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
. @vanessabizzell sounds familiar. At my first job it was de-rigueur for the women in the practice to get off with the directors
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher wow, that Bentley video is beyond awful. I couldn't get through to the end for cringing.
— Liz Schofield (@lizschofieldmay) November 20, 2015
@lizschofieldmay gross isn't it. We were wondering a) who is the creepy voice b) who told them to dance… and why…?
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher Just read your article about last night.Sounds toe curling.We just need to stop going to"Baby Boom"events.They've had their day
— Rob Charlton (@spacegroupRob) November 20, 2015
@lizschofieldmay Isn't it the worst? A real "What were they thinking" moment. @SuButcher
— Joanna ❤️ (@peachout23) November 20, 2015
yes it was awful. But I love a good night out – can't we just stop the sexism?
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@tommdempsey @Synchro_Ltd exactly
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@lizschofieldmay @SuButcher woow. Re cmya. Interesting as in 2014 there were no female entries at all @CIOBBridget made a statement I think
— Stuart Wilks (@stuartwilks) November 20, 2015
@stuartwilks @lizschofieldmay @CIOBBridget yes I think that was last year – there were two female finalists this year and one got a medal.
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
Some more great comments on the post here, do add yours if you like
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@stuartwilks @spacegroupRob yes funny that. Sexism isn't just a problem for men @WomeninBIM
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
SEXISM IS NOT A JOKE! It's 2015 and time for this behaviour to stop: Great post by @SuButcher #womeninconstruction
— Professor Sue Black OBE Keynote Speaker 🇺🇦 (@Dr_Black) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher It will take 10-15 years for this to change.The impact is we struggle to get the best people into our industry. We wonder why.
— Rob Charlton (@spacegroupRob) November 20, 2015
@Dr_Black @SuButcher my grandad taught me to tile and replace the glass panels in upvc Windows.
— Hannah J (@HannahJPlans) November 20, 2015
@spacegroupRob @SuButcher Perhaps we need to rethink events?
— Joanna ❤️ (@peachout23) November 20, 2015
@Dr_Black @SuButcher another family member in the past has refused to let me move gravel because "you're a girl"
— Hannah J (@HannahJPlans) November 20, 2015
@Dr_Black thank you Sue! Trying to keep up with all the feedback
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@HannahJBlogs @Dr_Black bloody useful skills both 🙂
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
CNN punished its own journalist for fulfilling a core duty of journalism
— Lee Fang (@lhfang) November 20, 2015
@HannahJBlogs @Dr_Black risk assessments should be based on ability not gender! Cc @ConstructingEq
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@subutcher @constructingeq More worryingly is the 7% of ethnic minority. No wonder I feel like am constantly hitting a brick wall #equality
— Ming Cheng RIBA RTPI (@ArchitectMing) November 20, 2015
@architectming @ConstructingEq yes in the #kpi2015 results BAME numbers were near zero 🙁
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
Do we agree? Has #ukconstruction moved on from #sexism?
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
Great blog @SuButcher The lack of diversity is stifling innovation
— Claire Penny (@Claire_PennyTay) November 20, 2015
I think we've all been in similar situations, cringeing. Well said…
— Roland Karthaus (@RolandKarthaus) November 20, 2015
Want to practice #equality in recruitment? You need this
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@paul_swaddle @WomeninBIM @becdecicco @TheNBS Thank you Paul. We must start standing up #juststandup
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
Thanks @eepaul for adding value #equality #juststandup
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@ConstructingEq I think it might be more worrying for @architectming 😉
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@ConstructingEq @architectming yes a but like unemployment statistics lol!
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@WMID4HS2 @ConstructingEq @architectming if UK working population 10% BAME yet only 7% in construction it would worry me (esp if I was BAME)
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher @EEPaul we have got caught out, UK building industry must do better!
RIBA 2014 rpt includes actions:
— Miles Walker 💚🌳💚 🇺🇦 🇪🇺 (@4BIM) November 20, 2015
@4BIM @EEPaul @riba stats are telling aren't they? @WomeninBIM
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
Insightful blog by @SuButcher Clearly many present uncomfortable. A wake up call? @WES1919 @thewisecampaign
— Kate Bellingham (@KateBellingham) November 20, 2015
4 events in a week @thewisecampaign @TheIET @bsmeinfo and @IStructE. Felt v at home at all, not like @SuButcher
— Kate Bellingham (@KateBellingham) November 20, 2015
@KateBellingham thanks D – took a lot of heartwrenching and support to write it, glad I did
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
. @WMID4HS2 @ConstructingEq @architectming everyone loses when people are not promoted on merit.
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 21, 2015
@WMID4HS2 @architectming @SuButcher it's an interesting area, I hope you'll enjoy finding out more about it. Can you DM me an email?
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 21, 2015
@ConstructingEq @architectming @SuButcher That surely is discrimination with a big D – bit like newspeak in 1984
— NO STOPPING HS2Y. (@WMID4HS2) November 21, 2015
@WMID4HS2 @SuButcher @architectming that's why we have research. To distinguish the shadows from the light
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 21, 2015
@ConstructingEq @architectming @SuButcher Now there is a surprise. Men in lose lose situation women (note the first syllable) in win win.
— NO STOPPING HS2Y. (@WMID4HS2) November 21, 2015
@ConstructingEq @architectming @SuButcher send details – I will try to find time to read and understand.
— NO STOPPING HS2Y. (@WMID4HS2) November 21, 2015
@ConstructingEq @SuButcher @architectming Sometimes we are chasing shadows that do not exist in reality
— NO STOPPING HS2Y. (@WMID4HS2) November 21, 2015
@WMID4HS2 @architectming @SuButcher agree but it can be hard to know it's happening
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 21, 2015
@WMID4HS2 @architectming @SuButcher I'm not sure your understanding the expression glass ceiling. It's about position not %of demographic
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 21, 2015
@WMID4HS2 @architectming @SuButcher that's good. But the reasons behind the pay gap are much more complex, lots of unconscious bias again
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 21, 2015
@WMID4HS2 @architectming @SuButcher no, in female dominated workplaces men are more likely to be promoted. It's called the glass elevator
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 21, 2015
@WMID4HS2 @architectming @SuButcher not just stats, also inductive research, &much more. The research is there, Q is do you want to read it?
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 21, 2015
@WMID4HS2 @SuButcher @architectming t best should be. That's the point. But unconscious bias is a proven factor that means they often arnt
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 21, 2015
@ConstructingEq @architectming @SuButcher. How do you know there is glass ceiling – just because stats allow you to claim there is.
— NO STOPPING HS2Y. (@WMID4HS2) November 20, 2015
Well Done Sue – really inspiring especially as I found myself as the only woman in a meeting of 16 people last week!
— Deborah Saunt (@DeborahSaunt) November 20, 2015
@architectming @SuButcher @ConstructingEq Never noticed it why I took selection Interviews- best applicant won
— NO STOPPING HS2Y. (@WMID4HS2) November 20, 2015
A shame she had to write it, but @SuButcher writes exactly why we have to change perception of #engineering
— PJefferis (@PJJefferis) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher @ConstructingEq @architectming WHY Surely the BEST should be selected
— NO STOPPING HS2Y. (@WMID4HS2) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher Sounds like similar experience I had at IET dinner a year or so. Appallinglying sexist, v few women in audience and no dissent
— 🦖Obsolesence (@Obsolesence) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher @WMID4HS2 @ConstructingEq @architectming but those stats are still better than the 47%/11% women stats.
— Sharon Slinger (@SlingerSharon) November 20, 2015
4 events in a week @thewisecampaign @TheIET @bsmeinfo and @IStructE. Felt v at home at all, not like @SuButcher
— Kate Bellingham (@KateBellingham) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher…. made me so cross I had to move away from reality for a bit. FFFS. #construction
— J T Beckett CEng MCIBSE 💙 💚 #Antifa #BLM (@carbonsaveruk) November 20, 2015
.@SuButcher thank you for blog. Explains clearly why it's not 'just banter'. Many areas beyond construction yet to understand this as well.
— Kate Bellingham (@KateBellingham) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher @WMID4HS2 @architectming the biggest worry for me is the BME women. A minority in a minority; my hats off esp to them (&lgbt BME)
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 20, 2015
@architectming @SuButcher @WMID4HS2 defo, worse is when the odd few that get to the top are used as evidence of no glass ceiling. Sigh.
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher @WMID4HS2 @architectming don't get me wrong BME stats worry me a lot, gender worries me a little more. Was interested in dif view
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 20, 2015
Insightful blog by @SuButcher Clearly many present uncomfortable. A wake up call? @WES1919 @thewisecampaign
— Kate Bellingham (@KateBellingham) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher @EEPaul we have got caught out, UK building industry must do better!
RIBA 2014 rpt includes actions:
— Miles Walker 💚🌳💚 🇺🇦 🇪🇺 (@4BIM) November 20, 2015
@subutcher @wmid4hs2 @constructingeq Not to mention when you try to break the glass ceiling.
— Ming Cheng RIBA RTPI (@ArchitectMing) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher it's the last taboo….
— Roland Karthaus (@RolandKarthaus) November 20, 2015
I believe much of #UKConstruction has moved on @SuButcher re: #sexism, still lots to do for #diversity though cont
— Simon Owen (@CalibreSimon) November 20, 2015
2/2 As a male I could be wrong person to comment tho' @SuButcher. I certainly won't accept #sexism anywhere…
— Simon Owen (@CalibreSimon) November 20, 2015
Hi @KateBellingham thank goodness the @IStructE awards set a different tone – have you experienced this?
— Michael Aubrey Partnership Ltd (@michaelaubreylt) November 20, 2015
Exceptional. #meninBIM. I hearby stand up. I hearby am counted. @WomeninBIM @becdecicco @TheNBS
— Paul S (@paul_swaddle) November 20, 2015
@paul_swaddle @WomeninBIM @becdecicco @TheNBS Thank you Paul. We must start standing up #juststandup
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 20, 2015
+1 @SlingerSharon but @SuButcher's piece & others comments show #construction has moved on. Sadly "comedy" hasn't 🙁
— Simon Owen (@CalibreSimon) November 20, 2015
Glad it wasn't just me @lizschofieldmay! @SuButcher
— Simon Owen (@CalibreSimon) November 20, 2015
@subutcher @constructingeq More worryingly is the 7% of ethnic minority. No wonder I feel like am constantly hitting a brick wall #equality
— Ming Cheng RIBA RTPI (@ArchitectMing) November 20, 2015
this blatant @EverydaySexism is still going on at industry events. +ves being the men speaking out. @ConstructingEq
— Sharon Slinger (@SlingerSharon) November 20, 2015
@monajarshall @SuButcher @spacegroupRob agree. I've been saying that for the last few years…
— Women in BIM (@WomeninBIM) November 20, 2015
Sexism in Construction Awards – Not just a Joke / well said @SuButcher
— Antony Slumbers (@antonyslumbers) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher @Dr_Black I haven't used them since but I grew up watching my Grandad work so trying those things is second nature.
— Hannah J (@HannahJPlans) November 20, 2015
@Dr_Black @SuButcher another family member in the past has refused to let me move gravel because "you're a girl"
— Hannah J (@HannahJPlans) November 20, 2015
@spacegroupRob @SuButcher Perhaps we need to rethink events?
— Joanna ❤️ (@peachout23) November 20, 2015
@Dr_Black @SuButcher my grandad taught me to tile and replace the glass panels in upvc Windows.
— Hannah J (@HannahJPlans) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher It will take 10-15 years for this to change.The impact is we struggle to get the best people into our industry. We wonder why.
— Rob Charlton (@spacegroupRob) November 20, 2015
SEXISM IS NOT A JOKE! It's 2015 and time for this behaviour to stop: Great post by @SuButcher #womeninconstruction
— Professor Sue Black OBE Keynote Speaker 🇺🇦 (@Dr_Black) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher funny thing is a lot of these events are actually organised by women. Cmya is no exception. @spacegrouprob
— Stuart Wilks (@stuartwilks) November 20, 2015
@lizschofieldmay @SuButcher woow. Re cmya. Interesting as in 2014 there were no female entries at all @CIOBBridget made a statement I think
— Stuart Wilks (@stuartwilks) November 20, 2015
@SuButcher @NigelPDavies You might be interested in an exchange I had 8 years ago – (see comments)
— Paul Wilkinson (@EEPaul) November 20, 2015
#Sexism in #Construction Awards – Not just a Joke via @subutcher
— Doug Shaw . Artist. Illustrator. Consultant. (@DougShawArt) November 20, 2015
good post Su. Pretty depressing to see this anywhere in the industry, let alone at an awards bash
— Chris Hallam (@ChrisHallamLaw) November 20, 2015
Sexism has no place in #construction when granting or celebrating awards #loveconstruction
— Sarah Fox (@500wordlawyer) November 20, 2015
UK construction industry: surely we're better than this!
— Tom Oulton (@itsBIMupNorth) November 20, 2015
Top story: Sexism in Construction Awards – Not Just a Joke, see more
— Robin Mapleston (@EPCforProperty) November 20, 2015
SEXISM IS NOT A JOKE! It's 2015 and time for this behaviour to stop: Great post by @SuButcher #womeninconstruction
— Professor Sue Black OBE Keynote Speaker 🇺🇦 (@Dr_Black) November 20, 2015
RT @SuButcher: Some more great comments on the post here, do add yours if you like ^s
— steven healey (@stevenhealey) November 20, 2015
Sexism in Construction Awards – Not just a Joke / well said @SuButcher
— Antony Slumbers (@antonyslumbers) November 20, 2015
"He singled out an all-female table and told them ‘oh you must be the feminists then"What!? @EquityxDesign @AWAplusD
— Meghana Joshi, AIA, NOMA (@MeghanaIRA) November 20, 2015
Im extremely disappointed this still goes on in our industry. More disappointed someone thought it was FUNNY.
— Aaron Maller (twiceroadsfool) (@Twiceroadsfool) November 20, 2015
Sexism in the construction industry – great blog from @SuButcher but a shame it is needing to be written –
— Ruth Cheesley (she/her) (@RCheesley) November 20, 2015
Sobering – decline in womens participation in const. industry…Sexism in Construction Awards – Not just a Joke
— Patrick O'Carrigan (@POCarch) November 20, 2015
There was @SuButcher @2PMArchitects and @CCMagAndAwards were very swift in doing so. @becdecicco @GrahamSievers
— Casey D Rutland (@CaseyRutland) November 21, 2015
@2PMArchitects @CCMagAndAwards they apologised to @CaseyRutland and @becdecicco yesterday
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 21, 2015
@2PMArchitects I think @CCMagAndAwards would rather stress the positive 🙂 @CaseyRutland @becdecicco @GrahamSievers
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 21, 2015
@2PMArchitects yes I agree. I don't think people know how to deal with crises on social media generally (I've blogged about it 😉
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 21, 2015
Excellent article: Sexism in Construction Awards – Not just a Joke
— Melys Pritchett (@MelysEP) November 21, 2015
@lizmale they apologised to Casey and Rebecca the following morning. I should put a comment on my post
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 21, 2015
I can see I'm not going to get my shopping done
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 21, 2015
Agreed. + diversity/equality isn't for the sake of it, we all benefit. Form, storm, norm, perform #diversityperforms
— NoFixedAdobe (@GrahamSievers) November 21, 2015
.@GrahamSievers @becdecicco @SuButcher @2PMArchitects @CCMagAndAwards Meanwhile in Berlin… We're all just people.
— Casey D Rutland (@CaseyRutland) November 21, 2015
@SuButcher @JaneDuncanPRIBA in a perverse way this awful event may help
— Ruth Reed (@ruthreed01) November 21, 2015
Yes I hope it will, if people feel they can #juststandup and leave
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 21, 2015
possibly though only 2% of #ukconstruction trades are women
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 21, 2015
Really depressing to read such tales from @SuButcher in 2015. Has the industry really failed to progress?
— Bowdon Consulting (@bowdonconsult) November 21, 2015
@SuButcher The bentley vidoe leaves me without words…
— Patrick A. Goff (@patricktheart) November 21, 2015
@patricktheart shocking isn't it. O wonder who the dirty old man on the voiceover is
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 21, 2015
@SuButcher Wonder why the women engineers cooperated and cavorted like that? Whole thing is smutty
— Patrick A. Goff (@patricktheart) November 21, 2015
Possible they didn't know, or went with the crowd. Some won't think it's a problem either (doesn't mean it isn't)
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 21, 2015
Please read this article. I'd thought the construction industry had moved on since the 1980s, but maybe not 🙁
— Melanie Thompson (@Get_Sust) November 21, 2015
Great post that's worth a read – the problem is not just about women in construction but the image of construction.
— Nick Deeming (@nicholasdeeming) November 21, 2015
@SuButcher Good article seems to me we have learnt nothing. It actually makes me sick, there are no excuses for this in the 21st century.
— David Light (@davewlight) November 21, 2015
@davewlight thanks Dave. We (not just me) weren't sure whether we shd write it. Just goes to show how much people are surpressing cc @eepaul
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 21, 2015
@SuButcher @EEPaul well not writing about it, is like sweepin it underthecarpet & turning a blind eye, so in my world it was a great call!
— David Light (@davewlight) November 21, 2015
@SuButcher @EEPaul @WomeninBIM ignoring shouldn't b an option, that's like saying its expectable to have the pirelli calendar in the office
— David Light (@davewlight) November 21, 2015
@SuButcher Loved the post – a female in construction. Know the humour been there at my company's AGM – procurement means…nothing changes!
— Virtu@dmin🎤+🎧+💻=📑 (@VirtuadminUK) November 21, 2015
@cyberspaceayuda perhaps we can change things now @ThePhilpster @WomeninBIM @WomenInArch
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 21, 2015
@SuButcher @ThePhilpster @WomeninBIM @WomenInArch Only by ignoring it! Men won't change, we won't change, if we love construction we do!
— Virtu@dmin🎤+🎧+💻=📑 (@VirtuadminUK) November 21, 2015
An important blog post from @SuButcher. Our industry simply must do better.
— Anna Kerrane (@abitabim) November 21, 2015
Interesting post on #sexism and #STEM; the issue is beyond #construction… HT @BarbaraGoffioul cc @SuButcher
— Simon Owen (@CalibreSimon) November 22, 2015
@SuButcher Are we wasting our time encouraging girls to consider a career in construction if this is what they will be met with?
— Lynne Hamilton 🌈🦄 (@LynneLynne185) November 22, 2015
Well it does beg the question doesn't it. @ClassofYourOwn made a similar point on the post
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 22, 2015
@SuButcher @ClassofYourOwn @LynneLynne185 this is true, but a higher % of the industry being female better it will be. Chicken & egg issue.
— Alexandra Grounds (@AlexCGrounds) November 22, 2015
@AlexCGrounds @SuButcher @ClassofYourOwn Okay, so what do we do to make it better? We can't let the numbers decline any further…
— Lynne Hamilton 🌈🦄 (@LynneLynne185) November 22, 2015
@AlexCGrounds @SuButcher @ClassofYourOwn Okay, so what do we do to make it better? We can't let the numbers decline any further…
— Lynne Hamilton 🌈🦄 (@LynneLynne185) November 22, 2015
@SuButcher an a campaign for diversity in construction. Contact UBM,CN etc & ask them to promote events this way
— Rob Charlton (@spacegroupRob) November 22, 2015
@spacegroupRob yes. @ConstructingEq has been down this road I believe but we do need to find a way to make it happen -same with speakers etc
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 22, 2015
@spacegroupRob @SuButcher we are currently overrun with events/websites/one off projects. What we need is long term sustainable action
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 22, 2015
@SuButcher @spacegroupRob we need to move away from t CSR view of equality, it's making things worse. Our research is on how to move forward
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 22, 2015
@LynneLynne185 @SuButcher @ClassofYourOwn this is the part which is difficult as its also a reflection on society to my way of thinking
— Alexandra Grounds (@AlexCGrounds) November 22, 2015
@AlexCGrounds @SuButcher @ClassofYourOwn And of course it's not just sexism. Do we, the industry, really believe in diversity and equality?
— Lynne Hamilton 🌈🦄 (@LynneLynne185) November 22, 2015
@SuButcher @LynneLynne185 not only is construction industry male centric, its conservative, customer ambivalent & nds transformation. 1/2
— Eddie Murphy (@edwrdmrphy8) November 22, 2015
2/2 @SuButcher @LynneLynne185 ironic therefore that @ClassofYourOwn @DECinSchools has power to bring forward real change within education.
— Eddie Murphy (@edwrdmrphy8) November 22, 2015
@edwrdmrphy8 @LynneLynne185 and brilliant job they are doing but could be wasted if we don't change industry @ClassofYourOwn @DECinSchools
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 22, 2015
@LynneLynne185 @SuButcher @ClassofYourOwn I struggle to see it & conversations with other non-white and/or male it is always the same issues
— Alexandra Grounds (@AlexCGrounds) November 22, 2015
@SuButcher @LynneLynne185 @ClassofYourOwn @DECinSchools change will most likely 2 be bottom up thru edu curriculum as the change engine.
— Eddie Murphy (@edwrdmrphy8) November 22, 2015
@edwrdmrphy8 @SuButcher @LynneLynne185 @DECinSchools Been away cooking the dinner #irony! We have to BELIEVE it will change. And I really do
— Alison Watson MBE (@ClassofYourOwn) November 22, 2015
.@ClassofYourOwn @edwrdmrphy8 @SuButcher @LynneLynne185 Hope new skills + new entrants = new attitudes/behaviours = better ind reputation
— Paul Wilkinson (@EEPaul) November 22, 2015
@EEPaul @ClassofYourOwn @SuButcher @LynneLynne185 yes. Innovative @DECinSchools pupils already ripping up rule books to create new horizons
— Eddie Murphy (@edwrdmrphy8) November 22, 2015
@ClassofYourOwn in case of @roxanne_walters she's been scuppered by home office botched overseas student rules @LynneLynne185 @AlexCGrounds
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 22, 2015
@AlexCGrounds @roxanne_walters @LynneLynne185 @ClassofYourOwn @ConstructingEq is the expert in this area
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 22, 2015
@SuButcher @AlexCGrounds @roxanne_walters @LynneLynne185 @ConstructingEq Worst thing in the world "how many girls study DEC?" #CSRboxticking
— Alison Watson MBE (@ClassofYourOwn) November 22, 2015
@SuButcher Much prefer "How can we help @educationgovuk @bisgovuk understand the value of #AEC?" Schools will see #DEC is a subject for ALL.
— Alison Watson MBE (@ClassofYourOwn) November 22, 2015
@donnaanthes I think we will be looking at how to provide organisers with ideas for alternatives next
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 23, 2015
Some of the comments on LinkedIn
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 23, 2015
And some more LinkedIn comments
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) November 23, 2015
If you are a LinkedIn user you can see the live thread and participate on LinkedIn here:
@ClassofYourOwn @SuButcher @AlexCGrounds @roxanne_walters @LynneLynne185 capability oft questioned reg women. Work must not reinforce this
— Centre of Behavioural Equality (@CentreofBE) November 23, 2015
Sexism in Construction Awards – Not just a joke -> great post from @subutcher
— CE Yorkshire&Humber (@CExcellenceYH) November 23, 2015
@SuButcher Are we wasting our time encouraging girls to consider a career in construction if this is what they will be met with?
— Lynne Hamilton 🌈🦄 (@LynneLynne185) November 22, 2015
Sounds a heck of a lot like #iwa2015jordan opening ceremony! Too many industries treat women as a joke. cc: @bakirp
— Abby Crisostomo (M – (@PlanAbby) November 23, 2015
@SuButcher yet more evidence, if it were needed….which it isn't
— Simon Blackham (@Simonblackham) November 23, 2015
@SuButcher its not just construction…more men with the name John leading #FTSE100 companies than women in the same position
— WiBE (@wibenorfolk) November 23, 2015
"Irish" jokes are Racist & therefore unacceptable. This "Comedian" does not seem to be very funny!
— Raymond K. Quirke (@QuirkeArchTect) November 23, 2015
Obvs you'll be impeccable @fredmacaulay, but some suggested reading ahead of @BCSCevents #GoldAwards from @SuButcher
— Tania Love RIBA FRSA FIPM (@TaniaLove_FBs) November 23, 2015
Sad to see our industry still do things like this. Sexism in Construction Awards – Not just a Joke @SuButcher
— COMIT Projects Ltd (@COMobileIT) November 23, 2015
@SuButcher @JaneDuncanPRIBA how we going to retain women in arch if ind like this? Congrats to those who walked out
— Nicky Watson RIBA (she/her) (@nickywatsoncg) November 23, 2015
BIM community reacts to sexist attitudes at #TheHammers2015 Construction Computing Awards –
— BIMplus (@BIM_PLUS) November 23, 2015
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