After the success of our "Architect" poll I thought I'd try another. The purpose of this survey is to find out what words Professional Services Companies search for when looking for advice on …
Poll: When I say the word \’Architect\’ what comes to mind?
I'm conducting a little experiment and I'd like your help. The purpose of the experiment is to find out what people really think of when the hear the word 'Architect'. I've set up a simple poll …
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What Should I Talk to the RIBA About?
I’ve been agonizing about something, and as it is something about the social networking world, I thought I should ask the wonderful people in my network to help me decide on it. So here it is. I’ve …
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Looking for Real Architects
When you hear the word "Architect", what image springs to mind? A brilliant blog post by Ross Weinreb has been doing the rounds for a couple of weeks, and being a bit behind, I chanced upon it …
Signed up to Be2Camp North Yet?
Well I've just signed up to Be2Camp North, the 'unconference' happening in Liverpool on May 15th. If you're interested in how to use the interactive nature of today's internet world for the benefit …
What’s wrong with the RIBA Clients Advisory Service?
One of the least known but best ways of finding an architects practice in the UK is to use the Royal Institute of British Architects’ Clients Advisory Service. In particular I often recommend their …
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