When you hear the word “Architect”, what image springs to mind?
A brilliant blog post by Ross Weinreb has been doing the rounds for a couple of weeks, and being a bit behind, I chanced upon it this morning. It’s called “Architects: As Seen on TV!” and chronicles an amusing google search of images of architects.
Today architects don’t routinely use drawing boards, rotring pens and protractors. The vast proportion in the UK are also white middle-class men, but not all.
It seems to me that there is a need here, a need for good images of real architects.
With this in mind I have set up a flickr group to collect, share and discuss images of real architects, images which express who they are, and what they aspire to be.
The first job is to find a group icon, I am open to suggestions. Why not join us?
Shropshire Architect says
Great idea! Just joined the group. New to the blog too, will add to my growing reading list.
Collier Ward says
I enjoyed the “As Seen on TV” last week – great stuff. There’s a corresponding misalignment in the culture with the title “Architect” itself.
Here’s a little rift on that subject:
Dharmesh says
Hi there everyone,
I just wanted to ask where one can go to find a list of people who want planning drawings to be drawn? there is always a list that is produced by the Local Authority for people who want building work doing but where could one find out who needs drawings to be completed from? is there such a list for drawing work to be completed?
Shawn says
I Seriously like your site. So loaded with useful facts! Will take a note of this for future use.
Dharmesh says
Hi Shawn,
Thanks for your comments, so what do you do for a living?