Learn to use Social Media platforms properly, develop a Social Media Strategy in a day or begin your journey as a blogger. Training for construction and other professionals is available in a variety of forms to suit you, as follows.
In-house workshops
Develop a social media strategy, or learn Twitter, Linkedin or Blogging in a confidential environment with a group of colleagues or collaborators.
This one-day (10-4) workshop can be tailored to your individual needs, but typically covers:
- Principles of the platform
- Steps to successful use
- Social Objects and Sharing
- Hunting and Farming techniques
- Etiquette, tips and tricks
- Measuring Return on Investment
- Checklist of tasks and/or content plan
Workshops are interactive and designed to start the participants on a path to success. Each participant receives a detailed workbook and membership of my relevant LinkedIn Support Groups (see below) for on-going support. By the end of the workshop we will have developed a plan of action and set of tasks for a six-month period.
Download sample agendas for in house workshops here:
- In house Social Media Strategy Workshop Sample-Agenda
- In house Linkedin Training Sample-Agenda
- In house Twitter Training Sample-Agenda
- In house Blogging Training Sample-Agenda
Ask for a quotation here or get in touch for more information.
Concerned your staff won’t have a full day to do the workshop? Get in touch and we’ll put together a bespoke session.
Mentoring After The Training
Many clients need to provide their staff with a longer programme of support than a single training session. For this I’ve produced a mentoring programme you can read about here.
Consultancy |Technical Copywriting | Training | Live Blogging Events | Su Butcher: Speaker