As we reach towards 1000 architects, students and practices in the Architects Twitter League, I thought it would be appropriate to reflect on how far we have come.
In January 2009 we set up this blog as a place to find architects on twitter – with a post on 16 January entitled Architects on Twitter – Where are They?
Two weeks later I had a list of 27: Architects on Twitter – Here they are! and you can see by teh 43 comments that more and more started coming out of the woodwork.
By the end of February there were 74 architects in a league and two months later there were 250.
In May and June hundreds more architects joined twitter (and thats just the ones I know about) as the platform went viral and takeup across the US and UK exploded in what is known as a ‘hockey stick’. Architects followed this pattern as we discovered by mapping the members of the league by the date they signed up to twitter.
Whilst we now think that the largest numbers of architects joining twitter was in the Spring of 2009, this doesn’t mean that twitter is over. Things are just beginning as the platform passes the ‘novelty’ phase and those who stick it out start to learn how to use it for networking, collaboration and research.
I’d like to say a big thank you to all the people who have helped me put together the league, spotted architects for me, helped me find technologies to represent it, and supported my efforts by publicising it. I hope it will act as a useful resource not just for architects but for the many people within and outwith the construction industry who are interested in what makes our profession so fascinating, frustrating and inspirational.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to use twitter and other social tools as a professional please visit my other blog, Just Professionals, where I’ve started to write about this subject for a professional audience.
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