Following on from the NFCI event exploring the next ten years in the constructing industry, and in particular changes in working practices and technology, here are two upcoming events which might be of interest to you.
The first is Workplace Trends: Making it Work on Thursday 24 October at the Royal College of General Practitioners in London.
The second is the COMIT Construction MobileIT Conference, ‘Information Mobility’, on 7 November at the Institute of Physics in London.
Workplace Trends: Making it Work – 24 October
I’ve live blogged this conference for the last three years now, and its always full of really interesting speakers on the subject of how the workplace of the future might be different from today.
This year there is an excellent programme including Frank Duffy, a duo from Cambridge Architectural Research and the after lunch debate will see Paul Finch and Paul Morrell revisit their double act with a new topic, ‘Offices don’t work: They’re a waste of space’.
The hashtag for the event is #wtrends13 and you can listen in to the conversations on twitter using our dedicated twitter chat page.
This page enables twitter users to participate directly on the page, and also picks up all the tweets using the hashtag. We look forward to your contributions to the debate, if you are in the room or anywhere in the world!
I’ll also be creating a ‘storify’ live blog as a record of the event and will publish the link here and on the #wtrends13 hashtag when it’s live.
[UPDATE: View the Storify Page including highlights of the event.]
If you’d like an indication of what the conference will be like, check out my live blog page from last year, and read a blog post about the 2012 conference.
Tickets are still available for Thursday’s conference – you can book here. And don’t forget to come over and say hello!
Construction MobileIT: Information Mobility – 7 November
If you were interested in the social aspects of my talk last week but prefer to investigate the forefront of technology, COMIT is the place to be.
Last year I was lucky enough to attend and saw some fascinating presentations about how contractors are using BIM on mobile devices to explain designs to clients, a whole range of big data applications, and how one may be able soon to survey the inside of a building using just a mobile phone. You can see my storify live blog here.
The programme for this year is even better and includes a presentation about how CrossRail projects are using mobile technologies to bring efficiency benefits, and a presentation about a current COMIT supported project investigating supplier logistics in the cloud.
I won’t be at the COMIT Conference this year, but Paul Wilkinson will be sharing updates from the conference, and the hashtag is #infomobility.
You can book to attend the Construction Mobile IT Conference on the conference website.
Are you Going?
If you’re attending either conference, please let me and others know in the comments. And don’t forget to use the hashtags if you’re a twitter user. They help other people find you and we’ll be picking up your tweets for sharing on too.
If you’ve got questions about either of these events, why not ask them below and we’ll see if we can get you answers.
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