When I started my training in architecture, the first thing that got me enthusiastic was the brick. That might seem a bit odd, but it’s odder than that. In a moment of epiphany, I realised why a brick …
What is wrong with Email?
One of the first #SocialBIM videos we released on The B1M in the May 2015 looked at how social media could help support the BIM workflow. I don’t think my whiteboard action was the reason for the huge …
The First #BIM4SMEAwards – why they matter
On Thursday it was my pleasure to attend and live blog the very first BIM4SME Awards ceremony, such an important milestone in the implementation of BIM in UK Construction. You can review the live …
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Product Data Templates – how they might save time and money #GreenBIM
I mentioned in my last blog post about the ThinkBIM #GreenBIM conference on April 1st that Janet Beckett led a very useful discussion round table about Product Data Templates (PDTs). She also …
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Behavioural Change at #GreenBIM, and beyond
I was delighted to attend, and chair, the #GreenBIM conference in Leeds last week. This was my first gig chairing a conference, and I enjoyed it very much. The event highlights included a nervous …
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What will the world look like 27 years from now?
My good friend, cartoonist Simon Ellinas shared this video today and I think its stunning. It is the author and visionary Arthur C Clarke being interviewed by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation …
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