Today Construction News exclusively published the first list of UK Construction people on twitter, both on their website and in print.
The list is collaboration between the Construction Network (@tCNtweets) and Peerindex, one of the new tools which has been developed to help evaluate influence and authority amongst users of the twitter social media platform.
Construction News has done a great job of collecting together a group of articles for their readers about what twitter is and why it is useful for the construction industry. They have also graciously taken most of the articles outside their usual paywall so that they can be shared online by non-CN readers.
The best thing about Construction News’ involvement is their elevated position as a print publication within the industry. Publishing the list in print brings the value of twitter to a much wider audience and will, I am sure, encourage many industry leaders to look again at what strategic goals tools like twitter might help them fulfil.
The Articles
Full list of articles and comment
EXCLUSIVE: The tCn Built Environment Twitter 100
From this page you can also download an Excel spreadsheet of the top 100 and look at their detailed statistics.
Why Should Contractors use Twitter?
OPINION: Twitter helps form and develop business relationships (by Paul Wilkinson)
Twitter: top tips for getting started
Newbies might also find my Seven First Steps useful.
How to become part of the tCn top 100
(You can also click a button on the tCntop100 list on Peerindex to suggest someone who should be added)
Follow Construction News on Twitter
I’d urge you to take a look at the list and read the articles. If you have any questions, why not ask them here?
One thing that you’ll notice is that 15 of the top 20 most influential when I last looked were individual accounts, not organisations.
simon peters says
Fantastic blog post, we think you’re doing a fantastic job on educating the construction industry on social media.
Su Butcher says
Thanks very much Simon, appreciated.
This post is four years old!
You can see my more recent posts about the Construction industry on twitter by looking at the Construction on Twitter category:
srinu says
simply very use full about construction we are the machinery manufacturers clc bricks
Marcel Springorum says
I relaise this is a very old post but I just want to say thanks for mentioning Peerindex. I must look into it as I have written a TOP 100 post featuring twitter influencers. Peerindex will make my job much easier.
Su Butcher says
Hello Marcel, I believe Peerindex was bought by Brandwatch in 2014. I’m not sure you can still use it. However there are alternatives such as (though their boards are subscription only).
Viola says
Great post! It is true that Twitter is really useful for the construction industry, in order to evaluate which are most important influencers!
We also put together just recently a blog post about the 100 biggest influencers in construction. I would recommend that you take a look at this: