It was announced at the ConstrucTALKs Be2camp event yesterday that Just Practising has won the title ‘Best AEC Social Media Blog’ in the inaugural Be2 Awards, the worlds first awards for social media in construction.
It goes without saying I am really pleased about this, not least the huge number of messages which have been arriving on twitter in the last 20 hours since it was announced.
Since training in architecture I’ve spent my career trying to help architects get out of their silos and talk to ordinary people. That is the only way that good design will come to a wider audience and not just the elite few. It is the only way that most architects will make a decent living, rather than sitting in their studios moaning that they aren’t.
Just Practising has been the place where I’ve put my money where my mouth is, and shared these ideas beyond the practices I’ve worked for. Whilst the sister blog Just Professionals has been the home of tactical advice (what tools to use, and how to use them) this blog is about the motivations for and against change, how to make change and how to work out what changes to make. Writing it has only been possible with the help of many people, not least Be2campers. So thank you very much – I’m planning a long list of useful people to thank and share with you in a few days.
As there will be many new people coming to the blog I thought it would be a good idea to share some of the more popular or controversial posts we’ve published over the last two years, and of course in the tradition of Be2camp, crowdsource your suggestions.
Tell us your favourite blog posts
Here are some of my favourites out of all 97 blog posts here on Just Practising. They are a mixture of the most popular discussions we have had and the posts I think are most useful or thought provoking:
What Should I Talk to the RIBA About?
A Store full of Repentance and No Customers
76% of Architects Practices are fewer than 10 people
Stop Pretending You’re Everyone
Strategies for Success in this Recession – Part 3: Things to start doing
Twitter is a serious business tool
I know I have missed out loads of interesting discussions we have had here. Which discussions and posts have you found most useful, either here or over on Just Professionals? Please share your suggestions for newbies in the comments below.
Congratulations Su – well done on the win… from the close second place candidate!!
Thanks Tim,
congratulations on being nominated. Don’t you agree that the nominations alone have made the awards worthwhile? I’ve spotted some interesting new ventures I knew nothing about before.
i like u you blog best information about architecture-engineering ,thanks for sheering
Architect Engineer in Pakistan
Congratulations and thanks for the information that has come in handy. Thanks for sharing and Gob belss