I’ve been asked to speak to the Chartered Institute of Marketing Construction Industry Group (deep breath) CIMCIG Marketing Conference in November about getting social in your marketing, and so I’m looking for recommendations of companies in the construction industry using social tools well.
Construction has been slow to take up on social tools, particularly when it comes to Pull Marketing rather than paid advertising and old fashioned email marketing campaigns. But things are changing and in the last six months there have definitely been some new players coming on board and plenty of new examples out there to be found. I’m looking, but I wonder if you’ve seen some good work?
Here are some examples of what I’m looking for:
- A construction products company who are engaging with specifiers online;
- Professional consultants (architects, engineers, QS etc) who have created a community around their area of expertise;
- Social media campaigns in the construction sector that have been particularly effective.
If you specify products, do you go online to get advice? Which companies use the internet well to help you get the answers you need?
If you work in construction, who do you know who helps you do your job better, using social media and interactive tools?
Who do you think are the influencers online in the construction industry at the moment, and what are they doing?
Any suggestions for firms and individuals I should look at would be most gratefully received, and of course I’ll credit everyone who helps as usual, and share the slides from my talk.
Please share your examples of best practice by leaving a comment below or by contacting me via email. Looking forward to seeing your favourites!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Joe Thwaites, Just Professionals. Just Professionals said: New Blog Post: Looking for Good Examples of Construction Engaging using Social Media http://bit.ly/csp05j what do you like? […]