This discussion started in April 2014 but was resurrected overnight when @SuibhneC in Australia retweeted one of the tweets so I shared it again… If you’d like to join the conversation just tweet using #BIMandSoMe
#ukbimcrew guys if you were attending a workshop about #BIM and #socialmedia what should it cover? All views welcome #BIMandSoMe
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) April 14, 2014
@SuButcher using social media as a proxy for collaborative environments. Even competitors collaborate on social media!
— dotBuiltEnvironment (@dotbuilte) April 14, 2014
@BIM2050 why do you think that is? It's great isn't it?
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) April 14, 2014
@SuButcher people that actually get BIM are quite lonely in their organisations. The competitive edge is the implementation not the theory!
— dotBuiltEnvironment (@dotbuilte) April 14, 2014
@SuButcher Exactly Sue. We need to be promoting the open nature of collaboration and how this should influence how we run our businesses.
— Digital Node (@Digital_Node) April 14, 2014
@BIM2050 @SuButcher – this comes to mind:
— Pritesh Patel (@priteshpatel9) January 14, 2015
When your colleagues know more about BIM than you…
@SuButcher how to effectively share knowledge and experience
— Graham H Stewart (@StewartGH1970) January 14, 2015
@SuButcher also how not to spam the world by pointless notifications on how good/bad you are doing
— Graham H Stewart (@StewartGH1970) January 14, 2015
@SuButcher how CDE vendors might integrate SoMe into BIM-related workflows #BIMandSoMe
— Paul Wilkinson (@EEPaul) January 14, 2015
@StewartGH1970 these are good, thanks. Being useful is so important!
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) January 14, 2015
@SuButcher using SoMe instead of email for routine updates, notifications #BIMandSoMe
— Paul Wilkinson (@EEPaul) January 14, 2015
> @EEPaul @SuButcher 1. BIM + SM have similar 'sharing' mindsets 2. SM excellent learning & knowledge sharing platform for BIM. #BIMandSoMe
— Elrond Burrell (he/him) (@ElrondBurrell) January 14, 2015
@ElrondBurrell @SuButcher V much agree on 1 – which is why some people find BIM and/or SoMe difficult, as not used to sharing, trusting, etc
— Paul Wilkinson (@EEPaul) January 14, 2015
@EEPaul @SuButcher how SM can help spread lessons learned??
— Mike Reader – Northampton South (@mike_reader) January 14, 2015
@SuButcher Sharing BIM progress with end-users. Later: getting end-user feedback on finished built asset #BIMandSoMe
— Paul Wilkinson (@EEPaul) January 14, 2015
@mike_reader @EEPaul agreed, and encourage participation (creating a human face for #BIM?) #BIMandSoMe
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) January 14, 2015
@SuButcher @EEPaul Share knowledge in order to gain knowledge. Contributing your knowledge allows you to seek others help #fasterprogression
— Createmaster Information Management (Now Zutec) (@CreatemasterIM) January 14, 2015
@SuButcher remember that there are a lot of people on the early steps in their BIM journey; although it looks like everyone else is doing it
— BIM4FitOut (@BIM4FitOut) January 14, 2015
@SuButcher see my @GuardianSustBiz 2012 post Why construction sector should engage with social media re #BIMandSoMe
— Martin Brown (@fairsnape) January 14, 2015
@SuButcher and then 2014 in Construction Innovation Journal
— Martin Brown (@fairsnape) January 14, 2015
"Today’s construction and built environment sector faces exciting but immense cultural, societal and technological changes. This is evidenced through a myriad of issues – a rapid escalation in the need for improved sustainability, better information management and advanced construction techniques – to test and challenge established practices. While these challenges are significant, there are a number of platforms and tools that can improve communication, learning and sharing – not least social media. The core challenge here is “what can social media offer in support of Construction Innovation, Information, Process and Management?”
"This guest editorial provides a snapshot of social media (past, present and future), including why and how this new collection of tools can be used to purposefully improve construction."
“@EEPaul @SuButcher @cesouthwest @BIM4Housing Enabling the Supply Chain thro' #BIMandSoMe CE S&W Club 24/03/15 Contributions please?
— Patrick Wilson (@PWArchitects) January 14, 2015
If you were attending a workshop about #BIM and #socialmedia what should it cover? All views welcome #BIMandSoMe
— UK Construction (@UKConstruction) January 14, 2015
@UKConstruction I'd say understanding the benefits, limits & purpose of collaboration are key for both. Why/who/how? #SoMe #BIM #BIMandSoMe
— Duncan Reed (@djhreed67) January 14, 2015
What would you like to learn about #BIM and #SocialMedia? @SuButcher wants to hear your thoughts. #BIMandSoMe
— British Gypsum (@britishgypsum) January 14, 2015
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